Honda Mini-Tiller Service Recommendations

Honda TillerAs the weather warms up and winter becomes nothing more than a distant memory, it’s time to start preparing for planting season ahead. That means planning everything from seed variants and crops to the specific maintenance that will need to be done on plating equipment like the popular Honda Mini-Tiller. The equipment is easily one of the most common ways to prepare smaller gardens and outdoor areas for a fruitful growing season and, with a few early adjustments and fixes, the equipment can become an integral part of long-term success this year and for many more to come. Continue reading

Storage Tips for Honda HS724 Snowblowers

Honda HS 724When the last of the snow melts and frequent snowblowing is replaced by concerns about getting the lawn in top shape for the coming summer season, it’s time to consider the best practices for snowblower storage. The good news is that this process, though essential, is actually quite easy. Quick fluid checks, maintenance routines and lubrication, will ensure that the snowblower stands up to storage easily, and is ready to go at a moment’s notice when winter weather makes its inevitable return.  Continue reading

How to Properly Store a Honda HS1336i Snowblower

Honda HS 1132The biggest mistake a snowblower owner can make as the temperatures warm up is to simply allow their equipment to languish in the garage without proper maintenance prior to storage. This pre-storage maintenance is an absolutely essential way to minimize the kind of damage that can arise from improper cleaning and lubrication, and it helps to stave off engine problems, corrosion, spark plug defects, and many other common maintenance headaches that would otherwise be a major issue during the winter. Instead of ignoring the snowblower in favor of warm-weather tools, make sure an extensive maintenance checklist is checked off beforehand. Continue reading

Honda Snowblower Offseason Storage Tips

Honda HS621While most snowblower owners are relieved to own the equipment on a particularly stormy and snowy day, they’re even more relieved when warmer weather permits them to put the snowblower back in the garage and move on to more enjoyable parts of the year. Even so, that excitement shouldn’t cause snowblower owners to forget the significant importance of conducting pre-storage maintenance. Whether it’s an inspection of the equipment, parts replacement, or things like fuel maintenance and lubrication, this preventative maintenance will help reduce costs, extend the snowblower’s useful life, and make it easier to get started when temperatures cool off once again. Continue reading

Honda HS1132 Snowblower Troubleshooting Guide

Honda HS 1132Snowblowers have made grade strides in recent years, with greater power and dependability across the board. Even so, virtually every model occasionally runs into at least a small problem that requires a bit of troubleshooting in order to diagnose and fix. The Honda HS1132 is certainly no exception to this rule. For those who are looking to address some of the most common issues without the help of a local service shop or technician, consider some of the most common problems listed below and how they’re most often solved by HS1132 owners. Continue reading