Top 5 Plants to Incorporate in Your Landscaping to Keep the Bugs Away

Summer is in full swing and there’s still time for planting and maintaining your landscaping. You will want to put a little thought into your plan before you begin. Where to craft it, what to plant and what tools will be needed are the first things you will want to consider.

First, Think about the location

Is it mostly sunny, shaded or in between? What kind of plants do you want, herbs or flowering plants? There are so many decisions to make when preparing your garden.
You will want to test the pH levels of the soil and rough it up using a tiller and rakes. Do the research on your plants and decide what is right for you and how much work it will take to maintain and keep it healthy all season long.The following list is compiled of top five plants you will want to consider incorporating into your landscaping to keeps the bugs away.
1. ChrysanthemumsChrysanthemums make a beautiful addition to any garden. With their textured layers of multiple colors of orange, red, white and yellow, they will brighten up any space. They are wonderful plants to ward off pests such as ants, ticks, lice, fleas, bed bugs, spider mites, Japanese beetles, roaches, root-knot nematodes and harlequin bugs. This plant can be planted during any season and doesn’t have a soil preference, but it does prefer to grow in the sun.

2. Marigolds

The lovely colors of orange and yellow will glimmer off these flowers that will bloom in the fall, spring and summer. They are not as picky about the soil they live in but they do prefer to grow in full sunlight. These flowers will make a great companion for the others in the garden as they fight off mosquitoes, aphids and they will even help to keep the rabbits away. These flowers will look beautiful in your garden or on your table in a colorful bouquet.

3. Alliums

This ornamental flower is a member of the onion family, so they have been known as a natural insecticide. These impressive purple flowers grow to be six feet high and would make a beautiful backdrop to your garden. They are not picky about their soil but like the previous two, they will thrive best soaking up the sun. They repel against carrot flies, cabbage worms, slugs and aphids and because of their heritage, the deer and rodents are not fond of these beautiful flowers.

4. Nasturtiums

These elegant flowers will brighten up your garden throughout the summer offering a variety of orange, yellow or red colors. The soil doesn’t matter to these flowers as long as they can enjoy the sun. They will be happy to shoo away the slugs, whiteflies, flea beetles, squash bugs, cabbage loopers, and caterpillars. The Nasturtiums are quick to send away any viruses that might want to visit. Add these delicate flowers as a border to your landscaping, along your driveway or walk, or add them to the front of your flower bed.

5. Petunias

These colorful flowers come in a variety of pink, purple, red, white and yellow. They bloom in the fall, spring and summer and are happy making their homes in the sun. These flowers can be added to your garden as a border and do just as well in a container. They will fight off many pests such as caterpillars, leaf miners, aphids, tomato hornworms, leafhoppers, squash bugs, and asparagus beetles. They will repel against viruses, bacterial soft rot, and gray mold.

Choosing the right tools for your landscaping projects make a big difference in working smarter rather than harder. When it comes to finding the right parts and accessories for your equipment, contact the friendly staff at, where you can get just what you need to keep your equipment well maintained for your gorgeous garden displays.